Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leaning on the Lord


Sometimes it can be frustrating having to raise support for the ministry to which the Lord has called us. It takes a lot of time and effort to build and establish a missionary support team that last. It can also be disappointing when I try to do it on my own and select the individuals I think will support us. However, I am learning that I continually need to ask the Lord to bring to my mind the people He would have partner with us in ministry. As we all know, when God directs our steps we are sure to succeed and we are sure to not be disappointed with the outcome of circumstances.

"The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving to all He has made" (Psalm 145:13).

While, it may be frustrating, I am finding greater joy in the Lord as I learn to lean on Him and trust Him all the more through this process. Walking by faith each day requires a greater dependence on the Lord and I am thankful that HE continues to draw me closer to Himself. Our ministry is totally and completely dependent on Him and not on anything we do.

I am so excited for the work in Hawaii and I know that the Lord will work all the details out in His time. I  am also thankful to serve the Lord in the ministry, seeing all the great things He is doing and will do.

 J. Hudson Taylor wrote:
"As a rule, prayer is answered and funds come in, but if we keep waiting, the spiritual blessing that is the outcome is far more precious than exemption from the trial."
My desire is that as I write these blogs and as I send you letters, emails and talk with you over the phone, that you would give yourselves to the Lord and if He so leads, partner with us to reach the children and the people of Hawaii, who are in desperate need of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.




Aloha Everyone,

We hope you are all doing well. We pray that the Lord continues to bless you and provide for your every need as He has been for us.  We thank you for your continued partnership in the ministry to reach the keiki of Hawaii and we are blessed to have you as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Attached pleased find another newsletter. If you have any questions feel free to email or call.

Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.

Ke Akua pu (God Bless You)
Ricardo, Kristin, Timothy & Annikah March News Letter

Friday, February 3, 2012

Work as a Missionary

Some of you have asked what exactly, I will be doing in Hawaii as a missionary. Well to give you an idea I have included a brief overview below...hope this helps you to better understand and lead you to partner with us financially.

As CEF Local Director I am the staff member responsible for the oversight and vision casting for the ministry of reaching and teaching children for Christ in Maui County (including the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai), Hawaii. I will help develop resources and Christians necessary to carry out the ministry of CEF in that given area.


1. Develop with the State Director and effectively communicate the vision and written strategic plan for the evangelization and discipleship of the children in the area.     
2. Oversee the primary ministries of CEF including Good News Club®, 5-Day Clubs®, CYIA®, Camp Good News® and party clubs.

3. Establish ministry to reach unreached children throughout Maui County.

4. Recruit personnel (i.e. teachers, hostesses, helpers, counselors, summer missionaries, prayer partners, etc.) to work in the ministry.   
5. Establish and maintain an effective prayer program in coordination with the State Prayer Chairperson so people can pray knowledgeably.

6. Maintain a visitation program with individuals and churches to promote the ministry and keep the Christian public informed.

7. Promote the programs and ministries of CEF with individuals and churches and keep the Christian public informed regarding CEF.

8. Present CEF in the local churches that can doctrinally work with CEF. Develop and maintain good communications with churches and pastors or key leaders. Keep the ministry of CEF church related as much as possible.

9. Set up and promote a regular Teacher Training Class program and other specialized training.

10. Actively engage in the CYIA training and ministry.

11. Teach a Good News Club or other CEF ministry with children to keep up-to-date.
