Thursday, May 23, 2013

Refreshing Times


It has been busy the last few months and I have been meaning to post an update but just have not found the time too. My family and I are currently in VA for a visit and it has been great having some down time, spending time with family, doing a little sight-seeing and sharing on the ministry in Hawai'i with our church family in VA. I initially came for the 2013 CEF National Conference at Ridgecrest NC, so our family decided to make the trip at the same time. It was a great conference and a great time of spiritual refreshment as I was able to hear the Word from gifted speakers, take part in workshops, fellowship with some old friends and make some new friends in the ministry. It was definitely an encouraging time and it put a lot of things into perspective for me.

Our family has been able to visit several of our supporting churches and share on the ministry. We share at two churches this Sunday, one being our home church Midway Baptist, before we make our return trip to Hawai'i on Monday.

The ministry in Hawai'i continues to grow. The Lord has allowed me to start 1 new Good News Club® at a local elementary school.

45 children are currently enrolled and at least 12 have accepted Christ! Our CYIA program begins the first week of June and we look forward to what HE will do in the lives of the precious children of Hawai'i. We hope to send our newsletter out or post online before our summer ministry begins, so you can read in more detail all that has been happening.

Thank you for your prayers for the sale of our house....the Lord has answered and it is officially SOLD! Praise the Lord!

Baby Esther is doing well. She is a bundle of joy and continues to have good health as she grows. Timothy and Annikah are enjoying time with Poppop & Beppe (Grandma & Grandpa in Dutch) and they love spending time with Uncle Matt and playing in the very big yard (8 Acres to be

Kristin is doing well as she also enjoys time with her family and we both appreciate the extra help with our 3 little ones :o).

I will try to post again soon, but until then the Lord's blessings and favor be upon each of you, ALOHA!

Psalm 16:8
I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.