Friday, January 11, 2013

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Hau'oli Makahiki Hawaiian it means Happy New Year. It’s 10 days late, but I pray and that you will have a very Happy New Year as you continue to see all the great things HE will do, and all that you will learn. The Lord has been so faithful to our family in the past year and I know that He WILL always continue to be faithful to us. He has blessed us and provided for us in ways we cannot even begin to comprehend.

I remember growing up my teenage years, all my friends would as we say in Trinidad, 'bust a lime' ...which means go out or hangout and they would buy food and other things and sometimes I would not go because I knew I could not afford to buy anything and the times I did go, I just watched as everyone else enjoy a meal or something else. I even remember working an entire year just to save enough to pay for my first semester at University!  I grew up with very little and I remember one time just crying and asking God why can't I have a little extra to buy something? Why do I have to sacrifice and worry about finances in my teenage years?

But as I have learnt, God is Sovereign...HE is in control and all those years of sacrifices have helped me to continually trust the Lord in providing for my needs and that of my family. If I did not learn what it meant to sacrifice, I do not think I would have trusted the Lord to provide in the way that I do now or make the sacrifices we do as full-time missionaries.

I pray that this year you will not lose hope but you will continue to trust Him in everything you do, Continue to take those little or giant leaps of faith He may be asking you to, because as our family has seen… you not only grow closer to Him, but there is great blessings and great joy in doing so!

Happy New Year and God’s blessings to you!

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